What is the preferred way to uninstall IT2BE Servoy Components?

What is the preferred way to uninstall IT2BE Servoy Components?

Not, we insist that you keep using them :)

Ok, so you really want to uninstall the Components?

The preferred way to remove our Components is by using our IT2BE Components Manager.

The IT2BE Components Manager will first create an Archive in the Servoy 'application_server' folder and it will do so cross platform.

You can use the below instructions when you want, for whatever reason, do this manually but it is not preferred and not supported!

Before you start doing it is good to realize that it might be wise to create a backup of what you have!

So, you really want to do this? Here is what you need to do:

1. Remove all 'it2be-*' files and folders from ~/application_server/beans/.

2. Remove all 'it2be-*' files and folders from ~/application_server/plugins/.

3. Remove the folder ~/servoy_workspace/com.it2be.components/.

Optional steps (not really necessary but when you want it real 'clean'):

4. When you have the Word Plug-in installed remove the folder ~/application_server/docs/it2be-word/.

5. Remove the folder ~/application_server/solutions/it2be-examples/.

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